Teste de Proficiência Interlaboratorial- Esquema Malt Analytes MAPS
- Amostra 01: Análise Química de Malte de Cerveja e Destilado
- Amostra fornecida: 2 x 1000ml potes de malte
- Principais Analítos: 1) Amostra Malte - testes dependentes de malteMoisture
DPWK (Diastatic power)
Diastatic Power (DP IoB)
Alpha Amylase
Total Nitrogen
Glassy (Whole) Corns
Partly Unmodified Grains
Sieving Test <2.20mm
Sieving Test 2.20 to 2.50mm
Sieving Test 2.50 to 2.80mm
Sieving Test >2.80mm
EBC Reject Fraction (EBC Fraction IV plus foreign matter)
EBC Fraction IV (<2.2mm + damaged corns from all other sieves)
Malt Modification
Malt Mod Homogeneity
DMSP (Malt) (Dimethyl Sulfide Precursor)
Free DMS (Malt) (Dimethyl Sulfide)
Total DMS (Malt) (Dimethyl Sulfide)
DMSP EBC Wort (Dimethyl Sulphide Precursor)
Residual Sulfur Dioxide
Cold Water Extract
Hartong VZ45
NDMA (Nitrosodimethylamine)
Glycosidic Nitrile
Total Phenols